Sunday, August 09, 2015

B is for Birds

Garvey Goose TshirtGarvey Goose Tshirt
Garvey Goose Tshirt
$22.95 USD

Garvey Goose is a snobby bird who wont talk to anyone. If you love geese these designs are perfect for you. a goose can be a beautiful bird, or a nasty one, so be careful!...more
Garvey Goose MugsGarvey Goose Mugs
Garvey Goose Mugs
$18.95 USD

Garvey Goose is a snobby bird who wont talk to anyone. If you love geese these designs are perfect for you. a goose can be a beautiful bird, or a nasty one, so be careful!...more
Careem Cardinal StickerCareem Cardinal Sticker
Careem Cardinal Sticker
$6.00 USD

Careem Cardinal is a mean little cardinal who often ends up being used as the mascot for sports teams whether he wants to or not....more
Finny Flamingo TeesFinny Flamingo Tees
Finny Flamingo Tees
$37.45 USD

Finny Flamingo is the clown of the this flamingo family, he loves to play jokes on everyone always has a joy buzzed tucked under one feather!...more
Chong Chichen NecktieChong Chichen Necktie
Chong Chichen Necktie
$35.95 USD

Chong Chicken loves playing his trumpet all day and night. Chickens are a great little bird, they do not fly far and they produce delicious eggs for nourishment. roosters are also the worlds most natural alarm clock!...more
Deena Dove StickersDeena Dove Stickers
Deena Dove Stickers
$6.00 USD

Deena is such a sweet little bird you will love her when you get her home. If you love doves then these great gifts are perfect for you. doves are a bird of peace and love....more

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