Saturday, March 20, 2010

Zazzle skateboard from Peace People: Peace People

Zazzle skateboard from Peace People: Peace People

Check out this cool skateboard with peace people all over it in a variety of colors shapes and sizes.

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Zazzle stamp from Shopaholic Chick: Sunny

Zazzle stamp from Shopaholic Chick: Sunny

This sunny stamp tells everyone today is a sunny day - it just makes me want to smile!

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NOTE: Before this design can be printed as offical US Postage it will be subject to a rigorous approval process, as required by the United States Postal Service, and may not be approved as it appears above. Click here for's Appropriate Use Guidelines.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Zazzle card from Shopaholic Chick: Easter Dye Job

Zazzle card from Shopaholic Chick: Easter Dye Job

Can you picture easter eggs sitting at a bar...the conversation goes like this..."Check out the dye job on her..." say egg 1, the reply from egg 2 "tramp." - HAHAHA it is hilarious

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working more

work work all week long - oh wait that's a song...but it is sooooo true!!  I have been trying to make new designs and get them online as fast as I can - the more the merrier - I even decided to start a new store this week and I have been working on designs for that store all little comment on the zazzle forums and I go out and make 300 new designs for w whole new shop...
Shopaholic Chick

Zazzle binder from Shopaholic Chick: Foremen

Zazzle binder from Shopaholic Chick: Foremen

This bald guitar guy is just great- he is perfect to use as a binder for your DJ Karaoke company to carry your song lists - you can even customize it to add your company name!

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Zazzle shirt from Occupation Station: Hairdresser Girl

Zazzle shirt from Occupation Station: Hairdresser Girl

This cute little girl wants to be a hairdresser - so everyone when you grow up your going to beauty school!

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Zazzle tie from Bowler Tie: Old Bowler

Zazzle tie from Bowler Tie: Old Bowler

Check out my cool tie featuring this bowler. If you love to bowl he is a great way to show everyone!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Zazzle mousepad from Shopaholic Chick: illinois copy

Zazzle mousepad from Shopaholic Chick: illinois copy

Go wireless and pay all your bills online with this great mouse pad. this one is for Illinois but every state is available - so are all the Providences in Canada!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Zazzle bag from Peace People: Red give peace a chance

Zazzle bag from Peace People: Red give peace a chance

Give Peace a Chance with this little guy. he is bright red with a heart shaped red & pink peace sign and the words give peace a chance.

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Zazzle print from Shopaholic Chick: toilets cleaned themselves

Zazzle print from Shopaholic Chick: toilets cleaned themselves

This great sign is perfect for your favorite janitorial staff - or that messy man in your household!! remind them cleaning is not an easy job!

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Using Zazzle

Zazzle makes it much easier to post so i will try to bring some new designs to the blog every day - from a variety of my zazzle stores

I like zazzle so much i have even created some great tutorials and put them on my website to help new users get going.

Zazzle print from Shopaholicchick: Swammee Swan

Zazzle print from Shopaholicchick: Swammee Swan

Check out this cool print I found at this pastel colorful swan dream is just wonderful.

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Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Dezzy Duck

Zazzle shirt from Shopaholic Chick: Dezzy Duck

Check out this cool shirt I found at - it features a cute little duckie wading into the water

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Zazzle profilecard from Shopaholic Chick: Obie Owl

Zazzle profilecard from Shopaholic Chick: Obie Owl

Check out the business card I found at featuring an adorable little owl and a pink polka dot background.

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Zazzle mousepad from shopaholicchick: Beach Bridge

Zazzle mousepad from shopaholicchick: Beach Bridge

Check out this cool mousepad featuring the beach and water in pennington south africa

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Zazzle binder from shopaholicchick: Babys First Footprints Pink

Zazzle binder from shopaholicchick: Babys First Footprints Pink

Check out this cute little pink baby book binder!

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Zazzle kedsshoe from Shopaholicchick: KiKi Cross Bones

Zazzle kedsshoe from Shopaholicchick: KiKi Cross Bones

i love these great slip ons!

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Zazzle mug from Shopaholicchick: dinosaurs

Zazzle mug from Shopaholicchick: dinosaurs

What if dinosaurs were still alive? would they eat us?

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Zazzle skateboard from Shopaholic Chick: Rainbow Skullies

Zazzle skateboard from Shopaholic Chick: Rainbow Skullies

Check out this bright colored skull skateboard - it is HOT

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